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RSS Bethany_W

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

Closing Statement:

AIT can detect the non-metallic weapons and liquid explosives that have been used, the Supreme Court has declared this constitutional, as you can see, AIT scanners have proven to be very successful and can protect many lives from airplane hijacking. The security is there, and now all we need to do accept its use.

1 point

Argument 3:

Since the 9/11 incident, security has increased, and the number of hijackings decreased, which means the security is effective. There has been 26 incidents in 2000, 10 incident in 2002, 9 incident in 2003, 4 incident in 2004, and only 1 incident in 2005. It has been around 1 incident per year since 2005, showing that the use of AIT has proven to be successful.

1 point


If privacy or health is a concern, it shouldn’t be. There are two types of these scanners, backscatter and millimeter wave. Both of these methods either use very low and unharmful radiation or no radiation at all. Additionally, both methods only give a general outline of the person so security can detect weapons or harmful things without breaching privacy.

1 point


A TSA screener is used to look for objects on a screen shaded differently from the body to find suspicious objects. The scanners plan to strengthen security to spot plastic and ceramic weapons and explosives that managed to avoid metal detectors, which are the biggest threat to the people’s safety.

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