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Armaan_M's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Armaan_M's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Argument 3: There are harsher punishments against different races. In the US white people or black people may have different kinds of punishments against them.

1 point

Argument 2: People with mental illness should get less harsh punishments since at times can lose their mind and commit a crime because of their illness, so I think they should get a punishment but not a death sentence because it is not their fault that they have a mental illness.

Armaan_M(7) Clarified
1 point

Even if it is rare, there have been some cases where innocent lives have been taken. Also even if it is rare by mistake you are taking someones life that did not do anything.

0 points

It is cruel because you are still taking someones life and that person could be anyone. Since you are killing someone might as well shoot them instead since they are still going to die.

0 points

Argument 1:Killing innocent defendants, Sometimes people can frame someone so the other person can get the blame and be killed, also they can get mistaken between people and the wrong person can get killed.

Armaan_M(7) Clarified
0 points

Opening statement: The 8 amendment says that Immoderate bail should not be required, neither should excessive fines be forced, neither should cruel and uncommon punishments be inflicted. Have you ever thought if you cruel punishments such as death sentences be granted? Although some people agree that it should be allowed I think that it should not be allowed because innocent people could be killed, People that have mental illness should not have such a harsh punishment, and people in other races might have different kinds of punishments.

0 points

The 8 amendment says that Immoderate bail should not be required, neither should excessive fines be forced, neither should cruel and uncommon punishments be inflicted. Have you ever thought if you cruel punishments such as death sentences be granted? Although some people agree that it should be allowed I think that it should not be allowed because innocent people could be killed, People that have mental illness should not have such a harsh punishment, and people in other races might have different kinds of punishments.

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