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This personal waterfall shows you all of PaulinaH's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

That is why the principal or vice principal/ counselor searches the student in privacy and no teacher would read out love letters out loud in class to emberrass a student.

2 points

No teacher sexually assaults a student. Yes the student can be padded down by a teacher or counselor of the same gender.

1 point

Argument 3: Also, the school should search the student to stop them from doing something illegal and to help them out of the mess they made. To help the student stop with what they are doing and return to a healthy lifestyle and to stop them using drugs or weapons at least in school. This is to ensure the student's safety.

0 points

A school does not need the warrant to search a student but a reasonable suspicion that the student is using drugs for example.

1 point

Argument 2: Next, if the reason to search the student involves the safety of the other students or staff then that is a reason to search personal belongings because it might harm the health of others. The has been a case where a 14-year-old girl was caught smoking in the bathroom. She was taking to the Vice-principal whom she told that she did not smoke. They searched her locker and her purse in which they found cigarettes, rolling paper, marijuana, plastic bags, a pipe, a large amount of money, and a list of students that owed her money. She sued the school for searching her but the government sided with the school saying that the school just needed a good reason to search her and therefore the evidence was used against her in a trail.

0 points

If the school has a reasonable suspicion that a student or a group of students are bringing in dangerous objects that can harm the school's learning environment or any students then reasonable precautions need to be taken.

0 points

But when drugs and illegal/harmful objects are brought into school then the school needs to take action.

0 points

That is true but I do not believe that a student would just walk up to the principal and accuse them self of smoking or be doing drugs because they will have to go to court and maybe go to jail. If talking to the student does not improve the situation then the school has a reason to search the student's personal belongings. Strip searches are of course not to be done but simply searching a locker or a bag.

-1 points

Of course, the schools teach the students about these topics, but if students are bringing drugs into school and there is a suspicion then they should be searched to make sure that the student(s) are not disrupting the learning environment and the safety of others.

2 points

Opening Statement: Would you want to go to a school where students can bring in dangerous items to harm you without being stopped? Schools should continue to have the right to search students. This is important to ensure a safe learning environment, ensure the safety of the student body and teachers, and to ensure that the student will stop at school with whatever they got searched for.

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