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This personal waterfall shows you all of Omars's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Closing: Overall the school should not be allowed to go through students lockers since it is a violation of privacy and even teachers don't find it necessary thus there are many other ways to resolve the issues than to search the students and their belongings

0 points

Argument 3:This could also trigger students memories for example a student could have been sexually assaulted and when a teacher is touching them feeling their bodies it could trigger horrible memories which could deeply affect the student .“I later wondered why I was so passive all I could answer was that it was an experience similar to sexual assault. I felt the same helplessness, the same abuse by a male in authority, the same sense of degradation and lack of escape” -St Kilda,Scotland Pedestrian.With this students will feel vulnerable as a teacher is stripping them feeling them and patting them down which will feel super uncomfortable and imagine the student having to go back to class with that teacher and the horrible memories the student has of the teacher as he/she patted her down in a strip search.

2 points

"Arizona school officials violated the constitutional rights of a 13-year-old girl when they strip-searched her on the suspicion"-Washington Post. An example from the US, a 13 year old was wrongfully searched because of a suspicion the school had and because the school wrongfully took action they broke the 4th amendment violating the students rights.

1 point

As a teacher said “As an educator whose first priority is safety, I do not see approval of strip-searches as making my school safer.”- Robert DeBlois. Instead of violating the student and his/her property there are many other ways to resolve the issue for example talking it out with the student.

1 point

As a teacher said “As an educator whose first priority is safety, I do not see approval of strip-searches as making my school safer.”- Robert DeBlois.Instead of searching the students there are many other ways to resolve the issue rather than violating the student and his/her property

2 points

This is a violation of the students privacy for example a school in Quebec is under fire for strip searching students “So they ordered each of the 10th-graders into a back room and told them to remove some of their clothes.”-Daily News. Imagine how the ten students feel being stripped and searched.This could make the student feel uncomfortable because they are being asked to strip down could make them feel very self conscious and violated

1 point

Opening Statement: Schools should not be allowed to search through students belongings because this is a violation of the student's property and privacy and the school has no right to go through the student's belongings.

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