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NayaK's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

Opening statement:

If everyone has a gun then the world would be safer? That sounds weird but it’s true because first of all…. Do guns kill people? No, people kill people and would you want some random person to come in your house and kill you with a gun? No, you would want to fight without guns. Letting people own guns will make everything easier because the person that owns the gun, can protect themselves from other people that try to kill him/her. Allowing to bear arms gives the people the symbol of freedom. It shows them that they can trust the Government and say what they want.It gives the person personal protection and makes them feel secure. It also can help them when a criminal is in their property and then take care of themselves. Gun Laws helps decrease chances of crime and homicides. People without guns, are daily killed by other people that do have guns.

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