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1 point

Yes it is a place to remember the ones lost, and ill have you know that 41% of the 9/11 victims were Muslim and having a school or a center would not interfere with anything.

1 point

The center was made for Muslims, so accordingly, it would include also Muslim workers and the arabic language which no other center has. This was made for Muslims to settle in comfortably in a country where they are allowed. Do you think they wanted to build the center there? It was the only available area with reasonable demandments in an over-populated city.

GuiM(7) Clarified
1 point

100 metres covered by 2 buildings, tell me how that would be noticeable?

1 point

Argument 3:

Having this center would not only be beneficial for Muslims, but for also other citizens living in New York as it provides many facilities and jobs within the building that would not harm anyone. It was said that if the building were to be built, it would include a mosque, school, and a health clinic for Muslims who are not comfortable with U.S. facilities. Not only this but the center would of been 2 blocks away which is not very close to the actual 9/11 site, therefore it would not bring much hatred nor unwanted negative attention against the building.

GuiM(7) Clarified
1 point

It was a center that was supposed to be built that was wrongfully canceled, not a mosque. Plus, that area was the only area with the correct building measurements and price.

1 point

Even though many people think that the attacks were done in the name of Islam,the attacks were done by muslim extremists, and not all muslims are terrorists and want to blow up the nearest building in sight. The muslims have said many times that the terrorists that are doing these horrible things do not actually follow Islam, but in fact just say that they are.

1 point

Argument 1:

Not building this Islamic Center was a huge problem for many muslims that caused them to be deported and/or leave the country as they had no comfort in the United States. Over 20,000 Muslim families were forced to leave the country as they didn't have a home and a place to feel safe, which would of been the center. The loss of more than 20,000 clearly affected the city just as much as Muslims as it means 20,000 potential jobs and society aid was lost.

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